Friday supper clubbies attendance today:
Jaime, Kara, Yyn, Ezen & Randygot 2 new members today. Randy and Ezen
we met up at 10.30pm@ Serangoon Gardens. (after me watching "Little Nonya" =P)
There was not much places to hang around there. Haato was closed, only Cafe Cartel, Coffeebean (over-crowded) and malay prata coffeeshop was open. So, we decided to just stick to one of our fave hang-out spot; the Dessert Bowl.
We shared our "leng xiao hua" Cold/lame jokes such as "the green ping-pong ball", "Spagetti&Maggi-mee", "Char Siew Bao and many more Pau" Jokes
The Gals were crackling away, whereas Randy was...
rollingon the Sofa and laughing hard at his "green ping pong ball" joke.
so much so that jaime had to continue the "story" for him
After which, we were all in the mood for some lame/Cutsy shoots of
1,2,5.. + 7
and we HAD to do our Molecules Signature post:
"Tt's Right~!!"
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