Saturday, November 21, 2009

Li-en's Birthday ice-cream+Dance party

It's Li-En's Birthday!
We decided to throw a Surprise Ice-cream Party for her!
Each of us is suppose to bring either an ice-cream topping or ice-cream.
Let the Party Begin!

the chocolate stick was used in place of a candle and here goes Li-en Hufffing and Puffing away~

we than asked Li-en to unveil her present.
but hey, how can the molecules let her off SO easily?
We made her unveil her present with a dance and Desmond as a prop (coconut tree)

After that, she put up her birthday request to us for a bollywood dance performance for her.. we tried to shake off her idea, but boy is she persistent. I have myself to blame for sending her this Youtube video clip as her birthday greeting . She is totally tickled by it and wants us to do the Pom Pom act for her!

ok.. so here it goes!...
the Choreographer (me) giving them a rough idea on the dance formation.

Take 1-> Matthias, Ezen, Pam, yyn

Take 2 and the final successful piece.-> Pam, Ezen, Yyn


1 comment:

  1. awesome birthday surprise. THANK YOU Molies!!!! =D
