Friday, October 2, 2009

驾车逍 遥游 Driving Voyage

a Countryside feeling.
a place that is obscure yet warm.
a place which is accessible only by driving or Riding on horses, so as to speak.
Saddle Club screams out as the prime option.

Me & Bud took a day off from work to go on a driving expedition around Singapore.
Swearing by to explore the places which are accessible by driving.
Bud got her driving License recently- CONGRATS!
So, we decided to have a driving voyage with her as the driver.
Lucky me, I get to ride and enjoy without needing to check out for blind-spots ;P

our 1st Pit-stop:
Saddle Club
- Rider's Cafe

and crossing over to Mimolette...

Love the Classy Whimsical feel Mimolette eludes.
Its like Seeing Alice in wonderland but wearing a wedding gown

I dragged Bud to try out a "artistic shoot" just before we get into the car.
I shall name this "Double Reflection"

on our drive over to the second pit-stop

cruising through the alleys

our 2nd pit-stop:
Mount Sophia
- Old School

I love Old School. Arty, Quiet yet loud.

We were exploring the place,
Down the road pavements,
Up the stoned steps...
Up the Vertical staircase..
We brushed past a row of colourful rectangular objects.
* I reversed my steps back.
turns out to be a row of winners for a arts competition where the competitors are supposed to design the Skin for lockers.
I love the ones below.

interesting~ I thought. Kindda excited I have to admit. I was looking out for the exhibitions that Old school hosts.
Keeping my fingers cross, hoping that I will be lucky to uncover the exhibition halls.

FOUND IT!!!!!!! =D =D =D
and to top the cherry on the soda, The artist is Jane Lee!
Me & Kara came across Jane Lee's works in the Singapore Biennale and were fans of her works.

Jane Lee uses Acrylic for her works.
Expressing through the brillance in the moods of colours
and how each colour plays a role in the other's story.

she uses various depths/layers of acrylic to create dimension and texture

I was thinking Kara, my dear sister would love this exhibition!

2902 Gallery is hosting a photography exhibition for
Singapore International Photography Festival

One of the works displayed is by Ko Yamada

meant to express feeling of "emptiness" through the photos

next few works are by other artists that I take on random.

ok, time to step out of the gallery and bide goodbye to the Man in red as we step into the car to Cruise on to our next location.

Next Pit-stop:
Ann Siang Hill

greeted by the colourful mosaic tiles, we revealed a friendly smile as a returned greeting

We Met up with Ping's dad for dinner at:
Next Pit-Stop:
Portsdown Road, Wessex estate
-Pietrasanta Italian Restaurant

we lounge on the couch for our Dinner under the Calming ambiance Wessex Estate brings

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